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Unable to FTP when trying to reactivate a Case.

Issue: The system cannot accept or transfer files from DVD backup when reactivating a case and shows “Unable to FTP files to the server”.


1. Check if the ftp service is active. Restart the FTP service. Ssh to the server then type:

]# service vsftpd stop

]# service vsftpd start

]# service vsftpd status

2. Check the free disc space mounted to the system. Type “df -h”

The /fbdata/02 has “ZERO” space left and is 100% full this causes the issue. At this point, you need to clear up some space. You need to delete files.

3. You can delete the zip and iso files from /fbdata/02.

Change directory to iso

]# cd /fbdata/02/iso

Then execute the “rm command” to remove the files.
]# rm *.*

Change directory to zip

]# cd /fbdata/02/iso

Then execute the “rm command” to remove the files.

]# rm *.*

rm – stands for remove, and it is used to remove files, directories, and links.