How to fix bad user name (1*user_name) entry.
Bad user names (*1User_name) entry –
DVR Officer name does not match to the Video’s assigned name.
1. Connect to DES web interface with super user.
2. Assign the videos to the correct user name from the bad user name.
Administration -> Assign Videos -> To Officer (from top left) -> All ## videos (from “Action” under “Administration” at left).
3. Delete the bad name user after transferring the videos to the correct name user.
Administration -> Manage user -> Select *1## -> Delete from “Action” (at the left).
4. Change the DVR officer name for that specific user from Administration > Manage User. Select that specific user and edit.
The “DVR Officer Name” and the “User Login” should be the same.
5. Change the DVR officer name on the Bodycam assigned to that specific user.
Administration -> Manage DVR -> Select the bodycam assigned to that specific user and edit the officer name.