Resetting the serial number on a H1/H2 DVR
For the DES system there can be issues with the format of the serial number set by the factory on H1/H2.
To update the format first connect to the DES via Putty.
Then ssh to the DVR by running
ssh ubuntu@
It will prompt for a password, use “ubuntu”
Once connected run the command
capitalization is important with that command.
It will output the current serial number.
The bad format serial number will look like h2-wbdv2204270131. It is specifically the dash that causes issues.
If the DVR has the serial number in that format run the command
serialScan –scan
It will then show the current serial number and prompt for the new one. With the above example for the bad serial number, the good one to use would be 2204270131.
When you type the new number and hit enter it will save the change.