Setting up a new H1 for DES
Customer has received a newly installed H1 that is not setup in the DES server.
If the customer has existing H1 units the config can be pulled from a working unit through wifi to the server. From the PC you are connected to, connect to the DES IP with Putty. Open the DES web interface and go to the Manage DVR section and select the H1 you will be getting the config from. Check the Last Com IP address. Back in the Putty window run “ping <the IP address of the working H1>
” If it gives responses with the H1 then it is connected.
run cd /tmp/
to go to the temp partition.
Then run
“rsync -rav ubuntu@<IP of working H1>:/home/ubuntu/h1_exe/config/ /tmp/
That will move the config files to the DES.
Open WinSCP on the PC you are connected to and go to the /tmp/
folder on the DES and copy the following config files to the local PC.
If the customer does not have existing/working H1 units you will need to get the config file from the Sharefile. There is a generic config copy at the Shared Folders>DVR Fimware>H1 >
Update the config for the new unit: Using Notepad, open the template.config file. It will have a few lines that need to be edited.
<row setting="patrol_unit" value="Tuco"/>
will need the value changed to the name of the new H1.
<row setting="WLAN0_IPAddress" value=""/>
will need a unique static IP address for the new H1. Check the Manage DVR page on the DES for the IP addresses currently in use and go one higher than the current highest H1 IP address. If the customer has a specific IP numbering pattern they are using they can use that instead.
If you are using the generic template.config file you may also need to update the following lines:
<row setting="WLAN0_DefGateway" value=""/>
<row setting="WLAN0_SubnetMask" value=""/>
<row setting="WLAN0_DNSAddresses" value=""/>
Those three will only change if the DES IP address is not on the network the H1 will be connecting to.
The next few lines are further down in the file:
<row setting="SSIDName" value="ABCDEFG"/>
<row setting="SSIDPassword" value="111111111122222222333AAAAABBBCCC"/>
You can get the correct values for that info by logging into the DES and going to Mange DVRs.
Select an existing in-car DVR (FB3/HD) and click Edit. If they are using a Group for those DVRs go to the Groups tab, select that Group and then click Edit.
Click on the IP Setup tab, and the Wireless Tab from there. The SSID and wireless password will be listed there. Copy them to the template file.
Save the template.config file
Once the template has been saved, select all the config files, right click and select Sent to, and pick Compressed folder. Name the zip file
Copy the five config files and the file to the USB drive in the /cobanvideos/bin/ folder.
The H1 units currently do not come pre-loaded with the current Firmware.
Get the Firmware file from either the Sharefile ( , Shared Folders->
DVR Fimware-> H1) or their DES system (/fb/firmware/ , use WinSCP to save it to the local PC) .
Copy the zip file to the /cobanvideos/bin folder on the USB. then extract the zip files there.
It should have the following files
Updating the H1:
Once the config and/or FW files are on the USB, shut down the H1, insert the USB, restart the H1.
It will run the config/firmware update.
When the H1 restarts, login to the DES as super and confirm that there is a message on the home page for the newly discovered H1 unit. If it isn’t there you will need to go to System Setup -> System -> Download Options. The top section is for in-car DVRs (FB3, FBHD, H1, etc) Make sure that is set to Discover DVR by UDP and that the Auto-Inserter is on. If those are not active then click the Edit option in the bottom left and make the changes.
The new H1 will now show up under the Manage DVR page and can be assigned to a group if needed.