Clear all DES Export jobs
Issue: DES has lot of duplicated exports in the Local Queue.
This process will remove ALL export jobs from the Local Queue. Disks, Zip, and ISO. It is quick to do but may not always be the best option.
You will need to use Putty to connect to the DES Server.
Run !psql to enter the Postgres interface.
This command will check on what will be cleared. First is the messages in the system
select count() usm_uma_seq from fb.user_message_user_message_action where usm_uma_seq in (select usm_seq from fb.user_message where usm_type like ‘%UserMsgExport%’);
second is the actual jobs.
select count() job_type from fb.job where job_type like ‘exp-data%’;
Make sure the output for those is about the same number as the bad exports in the queue.
To do the actual job deleting run:
delete from fb.user_message_user_message_action where usm_uma_seq in (select usm_seq from fb.user_message where usm_type like ‘%UserMsgExport%’);
Which clears out the home page message actions (resubmit, cancel, etc)
delete from fb.user_message_prop where id in (select usm_seq from fb.user_message where usm_type like ‘%UserMsgExport%’);
Which clears the details of the user messages
update fb.job set job_usm_seq = null where job_type like ‘exp-data%’;
which separates the user messages from the job files so they can be deleted.
update fb.user_message set usm_job_seq = null where usm_type like ‘%UserMsgExport%’;
does the same as the above but from the messages side
delete from fb.user_message where usm_type like ‘%UserMsgExport%’;
Deletes the actual mess files
delete from fb.job where job_type like ‘exp-data%’;
which clears the actual job entries.
After completing those steps, go back to the local queue and confirm that it just has Archives present.
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