Postgress won’t start because /tmp is full
Issue: The /tmp folder is full. That can cause the postgress service to not start.
Resolution: We will move the jobs/ folder to the /var partition which is usually larger.
First, run “df -h
” to see the partitions and their sizes. Make sure the /tmp partition is actually full, and that the /var partition has space. If both are full you will need to clear out some space on /var first.
Once you know there is more space on /var, make a new location for the jobs folder:
mkdir /var/tmp/jobs
Then move over any existing jobs to the new folder
mv /tmp/jobs/* /var/tmp/jobs/
That will take a few minutes to move the files. Then delete the old jobs folder.
rm -rf /tmp/jobs
We can then replace that jobs/ folder with a symlink to the new location.
ln -s /var/tmp/jobs /tmp/jobs
Then check to make sure the symlink is in place.
ll /tmp
That will show the symlink as a redirect from /jobs to /var/tmp/jobs/