Upgrading H1 DVR’s Firmware
Issue: Outdated H1 firmware/H1 is not downloading
Cause: Replacement H1 device with stock firmware installed
Solution: Update its firmware
1. Download H1’s Firmware from Seon
2. Ask the customer to plug the H1’s storage into his computer
3. Extract the firmware’s zip file to the storage root folder
4. Ask the customer to plug it back into the H1 device
5. SSH to the H1 via its IP
ssh ubuntu@<h1_ip>
6. Check the mounted directory of the storage device
]# df -h
7. Navigate to the mounted directory and run Install_H1 script
]# /Install_H1.sh
8. The H1 device should reboot on its own
9. Check the version of the H1’s firmware by opening release.info
]# cat ~/h1_exe/release.info