Videos from H1 DVRs show up on DES with admin as owner
Symptom: whenever a video from a logged-in officer using a Focus H1 on is uploaded to DES 4.4.4,x the video shows up as being owned by admin rather than the logged-in officer.
Issue: DES uses the DVR Officer Name field to identify video owners, while the H1 only returns the information for the User Login in uploaded videos. DES internally tries to match the DVR Officer Name and the User Login, and defaults to admin when this matching fails.
Solution: Change the DVR Officer Name and the User Login of the user such that they match under Administration > Manage Users > Edit User.
The next time that the H1 synchronizes, have the user log in to the H1 and record + upload a video. They should now see their name under the owner field for that video in DES.