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Jira DES-3515 – Reboot Flashback every day at 2am


DES-3515 Java runaway process – Band-aid


There is a memory leak in the code that cannot be found


Status: Unresolved – This is a temporary solution to restart the Flashback Web application every day at 2am to prevent the java consumption issue from arising.


This process adds a bash script to the system, then add a cron job to call on the bash script every morning at 2am.

First you need to place the file “” into /fb/bin File here:

Ensure the file has Read / Write permissions

Add a cron job to the crontab with the following process:

a) At a command prompt type: crontab -e

b) The following will be displayed, this is a VI session. Add the last line to the end of the list and save the changes.


# Flashback Cron Services

# See /fb/conf/root.cron for listing


# Run every 20 minutes

*/20 * * * * /fb/bin/

0 2 * * * /fb/bin/