Setting up the DVR name after reset from DES web interface
Issue: DES shows DVR name for X2 as “X2-ET0021282178” instead of the name set by the user. eg. “BWC-543” after reset.
Cause: DES detect the X2 as “X2-ET0021282178” instead of it’s name.
Assigned all the videos from the old DVR (eg. BWC-543) to the newly discovered DVR (eg. “X2-ET0021282178” or “X2-0021282178”)
Administration -> Assigned Videos -> from DVR (at top) (old DVR Name) to DVR (at top right) (new DVR name).
Assign all n number of videos and click ok.
Delete the old DVR entry.
Administration -> Manage DVR -> Select the old DVR name (eg. BWC-543) and delete it.
Rename the new DVR entry.
Administration -> Manage DVR -> Select the new DVR name (eg. “X2-ET0021282178” or “X2-0021282178”), right click and edit the name as (eg. BWC-543).