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CMPS Dispatch 02

Detailed by Run

The Detailed by Run screen provides the list of Runs displayed alongside drivers, vehicles and schedules. The upper section of the screen presents two drop-down menus to help you select the Scenario and Reference Date, and quickly initiate driver or vehicle reassignments as needed.

TIP: Show and Hide Filters

To have the filters displayed, click the Show/Hide Filters toggle in the upper right corner of the screen. Click the button again if you prefer to hide the filters from the screen.

Use the filter tool if you want to narrow down your list. To do so:

  • Select the creation/update date from the provided calendar.
  • Select the necessary parameters from the provided drop-down menus. These are:
    • School
    • School Area
    • Run Type
    • Run Number or Name
    • Depot
    • Driver
    • Driver Reassignments
    • Vendor
    • Vehicle
    • Vehicle Reassignments
    • Date when the run was created or updated
  • Click Search.

The matching entries are displayed below in a table with multiple columns that provide the relevant information on each run.

The Actions column, on the left of the table, holds two buttons (driver and vehicle icons) that can be clicked to directly access the Driver Reassignment or the Vehicle Reassignment tools respectively.

In the table, both driver and vehicle icons may show different colors with different meanings:

    • Blue icons indicate that driver or vehicle are assigned to a run, but they can be reassigned if necessary.
    • Orange icons reveal temporary reassignments, i.e., that include a programmed End Date.
    • Red icons indicate that a Live Reassignment has been carried out.

NOTE: Live Reassignments

Live Reassignments are unplanned reassignments that are performed by the driver with an MDT operating Navigator, and not by the dispatcher.

Whenever Live Reassignments are carried out, the assigned driver is automatically notified. This action is also displayed in the Dispatch Reassignment dialog as Assigned Driver Has Been Notified.

Notice that arrows pointing to the right means the reassignment is planned for a future date while arrows pointing to the left means the reassignment is currently in effect (scheduled on the current date).

The Status column can display different icons but the one on the left refers to the run and the icon on the right refers to mobile synchronization. For each subject:

    • Green check marks indicates valid/success.
    • Orange cycle icons indicate pending.
    • Red notice icons indicate fail.

Example: A green check mark on the left and an orange cycle on the right means that the run is valid but the synchronization with mobile is still pending.

TIP: Customize the Dispatch screen

Dispatch provides highly customizable display options with a variety of relevant parameters that can be selected from the dedicated menu (dots button as shown in the image below). Additionally, users have the ability to modify the order of the columns by dragging and dropping, and sort the table entries by clicking on the preferred column header.